The industry has great values to realize through better information management in value chains and product life cycles. Why then, are not more companies actively working with this?

The non-profit organization SEIIA (Swedish Industrial Interoperability Association) works with issues closely related to what we focus on in Digitala Stambanan. These are, for example, standards for information exchange between IT systems. Their newsletter (2022-02-28) explains the concept of interoperability, which is the ability of different systems, often in computer contexts, to work together and communicate with each other. Examples of values that better information exchange can bring are highlighted, and thoughts are presented about what prevents the industry from realizing these opportunities.

The association SEIIA was formed as a result of the LCDM project, funded through the strategic innovation program PiiA. The project focused on establishing a standardized data exchange between different support systems in a plant’s life cycle.

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